Sunday, April 26, 2009

Multiculturalism - Quiz 7 Outline and Essay Questions

OUTLINE: Interracial and Interclass Relationships

- What are the problems faced by the couple (Dan Croteau and Cate Woolner) in Lewin’s article?

- What are the reasons for the decline in people marrying people from different class backgrounds over

the last 30 years? What are the consequences of this trend?

- According to Bellafante, what are the reasons for the popularity of interclass “Cinderella/Cinderfella”

stories in American popular culture?

- What is the Supreme Court case that overthrows all anti-miscegenation laws? In what year?

- Which groups/populations in the United States have comparatively higher intermarriage rates?

- Approximately what percent of Latinos, Asians, and non-Hispanic Blacks marry outside their


- According to Kennedy, why do many Black women oppose interracial marriage?

- What are Patterson’s arguments for increasing interracial marriage among Blacks?

- According to the college students interviewed by Childs, what are the reasons for:

a) Opposition to interracial marriage by White parents?

b) Opposition to interracial marriage by Black parents?

- How was the tragic mulatto depicted in Hollywood films of the 1940s and 1950s?

- According to Davidson and Taylor, what is the general appeal of sexual tourism to “Westerners”?

- In Davidson and Taylor’s research on sex tourism, how do 1) Western men and 2) Western women

perceive non-Western prostitutes?

- What is meant by the term “projection”?


1. As discussed in class, what are Patterson’s arguments for increasing the interracial marriage rate among Blacks? According to the college students interviewed by Childs, why do, respectively, many 1) Black and 2) White parents oppose interracial intermarriage? Do you think a majority of parents between the ages of 40 and 60 still oppose interracial marriage? In your opinion, what is the most common reason why a parent in 2009 would object to interracial marriage? Elaborate.

2. As cited in the Lewin piece and discussed in class, what kind of difficulties do Dan Croteau and Cate Woolner face because of their different class backgrounds? Describe the reasons (as well as the larger societal consequences of this trend) why there has been an increase in the number of people marrying people from similar class and educational backgrounds. Do you think this trend will continue over the next 20-25 years? According to Bellafante (see handout), what are the reasons for the continued popularity of “Cinderella” films? Do you think a significant number of women and men in contemporary America would like to be real-life “Cinderella/Cinderfellas”? Explain.

3. How do Davidson and Taylor explain the popularity of “sex tourism” amongst Westerners? In particular, how do 1) western male and 2) western female sex tourists view prostitutes, and their relationships with them, in the Caribbean? Given class discussions and your own impressions, do you believe that the American mass media (specifically film and fictional television shows) still tends to sexually exoticize racial/ethnic male and female minorities? Try to be fairly specific in your answer.

Responsible for: Kromkowski: Article 17

Childs: (pps. 335-343); Poulson-Bryant (pps. 5-15); Matthews (pp. 74 from handout);

De Stefano: (pps. 31-33)

Research Methods - Quiz 5 Outline

Outline: Qualitative Methods

- What were Durkheims’ central arguments about religion and suicide?

- What was Males’ fundamental argument about “teen suicide crisis” in the 1990s?

- What is meant by the term “ideal type”?

- What is Weber’s fundamental thesis about the origins of capitalism?

- What are the central differences between qualitative and quantitative research?

- What is central purpose of field research? What are topics appropriate to field research?

- What are the different roles available to the field researcher?

- What are the advantages of complete observation role?

- What are the advantages of the complete participation role?

- What were Randall Alfred’s key findings about the Satanists?

- What were Venkatesh’s key discoveries when he conducted field research on a gang of crack


- What’s meant by the term “going native”?

- What is a “gatekeeper” in field research?

- What are the strengths and weaknesses of field research?

- What are guidelines for conducting qualitative interviews during field research?

- What is meant by the term active listening?

- What are the key guidelines for taking notes during field research?

- What are the main rules for conducting focus groups?

- What are Kolbert’s main arguments about the use of focus groups in politics?

- Readings Responsible for: Chambliss and Schutt: Chapters 7 (pps. 164-185);

Levitt and Dubner (pps. 93-109); Kolbert (pp.18, 20-21, 60, 68, 72)

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Introduction to Sociology - Paper Option 3

Paper Option 3: Introduction to Sociology:

Due: Thursday, April 30

Approximate Length: 4 - 5 pages

This paper requires you to analyze a social institution most of you are probably very familiar with – the workplace. While I obviously want you to talk about your own experiences, you also need to think more broadly about the place you work at. (You may also choose to analyze a former workplace as long as it hasn’t been more than two years since you worked there.)

For the paper you must do the following:

1) Describe your workplace and the job that you do there. Be sure to discuss the kind of tasks you are expected to perform at your job. (1/2 – 2/3 pages)

2) As discussed in class (and pages 89-93 in Schaefer), explain what Weber meant by the terms bureaucratization and rationalization. How bureaucratized is your workplace? (Is there a clearly stated hierarchy of authority? Is it impersonal?) In particular, how rationalized is your job? Do you always have to do your work duties in a very specific way? (For instance, if you work in retail, are you required to say the same thing to every customer?) Try to be as detailed as possible in your answer. (1 ½ pages – 2 ½ pages)

3) Do you think the level of bureaucratization and rationalization at your workplace is necessary? In other words, does it make you more productive and efficient at your job? Or, as in Office Space, does it hinder you from performing your job well? What about other workers? Just as significantly, does the level of bureaucratization and rationalization affect your enjoyment of your job? Does it affect your co-workers enjoyment of their jobs? (3/4 – 1 1/4 page)

4) Is your job unionized? If so, do you think that being in a union has been good or bad for you in terms of 1) pay and benefits and 2) your actual work experiences? If you do not belong to a union, do you believe that belonging to a union would 1) improve your pay and benefits and 2) improve your actual work experiences? Why or why not? In your opinion, what is the most important thing that could be done to improve your 1) your workplace and 2) your particular job? Explain. (1/2 – 1 page)

Intro to Sociology - Test 4 Outlines and Essay Questions

Capitalism and Work

- According to a conservative like Friedman, why is capitalism superior to feudalism?

- What is the key mechanism behind the smooth operation of the capitalist system? What

hinders the operation of the capitalist system?

- According to Marx, what are the key problems with capitalism?

- What do contemporary conflict theorists regard as the key problems with the global capitalist system?

- What is meant by the term externalities?

- What does Durkheim mean by the terms mechanical and organic solidarity?

- What does Weber envision as the future of work?

- According to Weber, what are the benefits and drawbacks of increased bureaucratization and

rationalization of the workplace? What did he mean when he talked about an “iron cage of


- According to Marx, what happens to the workers with the advent of capitalism?

- What are the two key aspects of Taylorism?

- What kind of agreement between labor and capital characterizes the period between WWII and the mid 1970s?

- According to conflict theorists, what are the reasons for the decline in the percentage of unionized

workers over the last 30-40 years?

- According to Lardner’s article, what are the main problems faced by contemporary workers?

- Over the last 25 years, what types of jobs have become more prevalent?

- According to Hochschild, what are the negative effects of excessive emotional labor on workers?

Outline: Government & Health Care

- What are basic beliefs of pluralists about the government and political power in the U.S?

- What are the central arguments of Domhoff’s power elite theory?

- According to Domhoff, what are the 3 key institutional activities dominated by the upper


- What are the main arguments of structuralists?

- What two broad types of programs characterize the U.S. welfare state? What is the difference between means-tested programs and social insurance programs?

- What are conservatives’ key criticisms of the U.S. social welfare state?

- What is meant by the term “false consciousness”?

- Approximately how many people in the U.S. currently lack health insurance?

- Approximately how much money is spent on health care in the U.S. each year?

- What are generally cited as the reasons for the high cost of health care in the U.S?

- According to Klein, what are the central flaws with the American health care system?

- According to Angell, what are the reasons for the high profit rates of drug companies?

- What is the conflict perspective on legal drug use in contemporary American society?


1. Compare and contrast the views of pluralists, Domhoff (specifically his power elite theory), and structuralists on the distribution of power in American society. In your opinion, which perspective most accurately describes the U.S. political system in the year 2009? What do conservatives regard as the main problems with the social welfare state? Do you believe the U.S. government should have bailed out banks and other financial institutions? Similarly, do you think that we should be spending 800 billion dollars on the stimulus plan? Defend your answer.

2. In Angell’s view, what are the reasons for the high profit rates of pharmaceutical companies? As discussed in class, what are the reasons for the high level of overall health care costs in the U.S.? In particular, what does Klein regard as the central flaws with the American health care system? Do you believe that the United States should adopt an universal health care system? Why or why not?

3. Explain the concept of Taylorism. According to Weber, what are the benefits and drawbacks of bureaucratization? Based on your impressions and personal experiences, as well as the movie Office Space, do you think Weber accurately captures the nature of contemporary bureaucratic workplaces? According to Hochschild, what are some of the possible costs individuals face due to the performance of excessive emotional labor? Do you believe that there are any feasible solutions to this problem? In particular, do you think higher unionization rates would help workers deal with emotional labor demands in many service sector jobs? Explain.

Responsible For Following Readings:

Schaefer: Chapter 3 (pages 82-83, 88-93); Chapter 9 (pages 240-249; 252-254);

Chapter 10 (pages 272-275); Lardner (pages 1-11); Domhoff: (pps. 26-29);

Franke-Ruta: (pps. a22-23); Klein (pps. 1-5)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Multiculturalism - Quiz 6 Outline and Essay Questions

Outline: Policy Issues in Multiculturalism

- Approximately, how many illegal immigrants are currently in the United States?

- According to Jencks, who “wins” and who “loses” as a result of the high levels of legal and illegal immigration?

- According to the economist Card, why doesn’t illegal immigration reduce the earnings of native born low wage workers?

- As cited in the Kotlowitz article, what are Portes and Rumbaut’s main arguments about Mexican immigrants to the U.S.?

- What are the recommendations of the Immigration Task Force in the Meissner et. al article (20)?

- What is the key reason for the creation of affirmative action in the 1960s?

- What are the arguments of opponents of affirmative action in college and graduate school?

- What are the arguments of those who favor affirmative action in college and graduate school?

- In addition to beneficiaries of affirmative action, what other prospective students get an advantage in admissions preference to elite colleges?

- What is Obama’s stance on affirmative action?

- How does Texas’ affirmative action plan work?

- What does the term statistical discrimination refer to?

- How do the police Goldberg interviewed defend racial profiling?

- What are the criticisms of racial profiling?

- What is the history of the conflict in Rwanda?

- According to Powers, why has the U.S. (and the UN and European countries) generally failed to act to prevent genocide?

- Since the genocide, how has the Kagame government dealt with the situation in Rwanda?

Quiz 6: Essay Questions

1. According to Jencks (as cited in class) who gains and who loses as a result of current immigration policies in the United States? According to Card (as cited in class), why do high levels of immigration not result in lower wages for native-born workers? Discuss the recommendations of the Immigration Task Force in the Meissner et. al article (and cited in class). What sort of immigration policy would you advocate? Try to be fairly specific in your answer.

2. What are the different types of students that get an advantage with respect to college admissions? Summarize the arguments both for and against affirmation action in post-secondary (i.e. college and graduate schools). In your opinion, do you believe that affirmative action (with respect to universities and graduate programs) should be expanded to include students from lower-class backgrounds? Do you think the Texas plan is a good idea? Lastly, should the legacy system at elite universities be eliminated? Defend your answer.

3. Discuss the history of ethnic strife in Rwanda. Do you think a majority of Americans would have approved if the U.S. (or U.N.) forces) had intervened to prevent the genocide? As described in class, what steps have the Kagame government in Rwanda taken in order to reduce conflict between the Tutsis and the Hutus? Do you think Kagame’s policies are a good idea? Elaborate.

Responsible for: Kromkowski: Readings 20, 23, 47, 49

Swarns: (pps. 1-4) Goldberg: (pps. 141-156); Lewin: “A Marriage of Unequals” (pps. 1-5)