Sunday, April 26, 2009

Research Methods - Quiz 5 Outline

Outline: Qualitative Methods

- What were Durkheims’ central arguments about religion and suicide?

- What was Males’ fundamental argument about “teen suicide crisis” in the 1990s?

- What is meant by the term “ideal type”?

- What is Weber’s fundamental thesis about the origins of capitalism?

- What are the central differences between qualitative and quantitative research?

- What is central purpose of field research? What are topics appropriate to field research?

- What are the different roles available to the field researcher?

- What are the advantages of complete observation role?

- What are the advantages of the complete participation role?

- What were Randall Alfred’s key findings about the Satanists?

- What were Venkatesh’s key discoveries when he conducted field research on a gang of crack


- What’s meant by the term “going native”?

- What is a “gatekeeper” in field research?

- What are the strengths and weaknesses of field research?

- What are guidelines for conducting qualitative interviews during field research?

- What is meant by the term active listening?

- What are the key guidelines for taking notes during field research?

- What are the main rules for conducting focus groups?

- What are Kolbert’s main arguments about the use of focus groups in politics?

- Readings Responsible for: Chambliss and Schutt: Chapters 7 (pps. 164-185);

Levitt and Dubner (pps. 93-109); Kolbert (pp.18, 20-21, 60, 68, 72)

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