Sunday, March 29, 2009

Introduction to Sociology - Paper Option 2

Paper Option 2: Introduction to Sociology:

Due: Thursday, April 16

Approximate Length: 4 - 5 pages Typed and Double Spaced

As you can see from many of the readings this semester, sociologists are very interested in the attitudes and behaviors of individuals. Consequently, they often spend a good deal of time talking to the subjects of their study. For this paper, you get to be a sociologist and test the arguments made by Putnam (in Ryan’s article “My Way”)

In order to carry out this task, I want you to interview at least 8 people eighteen years or older. At least four of them must be older than 40. Also, I would like it if you got at least two women and at least two men in your sample.

Once they agree to be a part of your study, you need to ask them the following questions.

1) How many civic organizations do you belong to? (Make sure they know this includes groups like

the Lions Clubs, the PTA, the volunteer fire department, as well as bowling leagues.)

2) Are you more or less likely than your parents to belong to civic organizations?

3) Do you attend religious services on a regular basis (i.e. on a weekly basis)?

4) Are you more or less likely to attend religious services than your parents?

5) Please give me your definition of a good citizen.

6) Do you believe that the majority of Americans are good citizens?

7) Do you believe that the majority of people that live in your neighborhood are good citizens?

8) In your opinion, are Americans as good citizens as they were 40 years ago?

9) In general, do you trust Americans to do the “right thing” most of the time?

10) In general, do you trust government and business leaders to do the “right thing” most of the time?

FOR THE ACTUAL PAPER: You Must Do The Following:

1) Briefly describe what Putnam (see the Ryan reading) means by a civil society. (1/3 – ½ page)

2) Briefly describe each of the interviewees (age, gender, marital status). (1/3 – ½ page)

3) Provide a detailed summary of the answers your respondents gave you. (2- 2 1/2 pages)

Specifically, you should say how many of your interviewees belong to a civic organization, how your interviewees defined a good citizen, etc. In addition to summarizing your findings, you should also discuss whether or not there were differences with respect to the race, class, gender, age, ethnicity, and religion of your respondents. For instance, were older people more likely to attend religious services on a regular basis?

4) Conclusion: Do your findings contradict or confirm Putnam’s findings about civic engagement among Americans? Were you surprised by the findings? In what ways? Explain. Given the Ryan reading, the answers of your interviewees, and your own impressions, was America a better society to live in 40-50 years ago? In particular, do you think people were better citizens back then? (1 - 2 pages)

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