Friday, March 20, 2009

Multiculturalism - Religious and Gay Cultures Outline


- What are the three key beliefs of evangelicals?

- Which social issues have most concerned the Religious Right over the last 30 years?

- What are the major successes and setbacks for the Religious Right Movement over the last 10-15 years?

- How does Ault characterize the Shawmut River Baptist Church community?

- What are the key functions served by the Shawmut River Baptist Church (and places like it)?

- What does Wakin cite as the key functions of the African churches he discusses in article 6?

- According to Ash, what are the broader sources of the difficulties with respect to Europe and its Muslim population?

- According to Ash (and Buruma) what are the problems faced by many of the Muslim “Inbetween People”, especially younger individuals, in European societies?

- What are Ash’s suggestions for improving the relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in

European societies?

- When does the Stonewall Rebellion occur? What is its significance?

- What are the key elements of the 1970s Gay Movement?

- How does Nardi characterize the patterns of friendships and romantic relationships within gay male culture?

- How does Rose characterize the patterns of friendships and romantic relationships within lesbian culture?

- How does Denizet-Lewis describe “Down Low” culture?

- According to Denizet-Lewis, what are the reasons for the existence of the “Down Low” culture?

- What do critics regard as the negative consequences of the existence of “Down Low” culture?

Quiz 5: Essay Questions

1. How does Ault describe the culture of the Shawmut River Baptist Church Community? What are the key functions the church serves for its members? Likewise, what functions do the African churches described by Wakin (reading 6) serve for their congregants? Do you think it is possible to create more non-religious communities like the ones described above? Would they be a good thing for American society? Discuss.

2. Discuss the key elements of the 1970s Gay Movement. How does Nardi characterize the patterns of friendship and romantic relationships among gay men? Likewise, how does Rose characterize the patterns of friendship and romantic relationships among lesbians? In your opinion, would the legalization of gay marriage lead to significant changes in gay culture? (Feel free to talk about either or both gay men and lesbian women when discussing gay culture.) Explain.

3. What does Ash regard as the larger sources of the tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims in many European countries? According to Ash (and Buruma), what kind of problems are faced by many Muslim “Inbetween People”, especially younger European Muslims? What does Ash recommend as a means of improving the situation? Do you think his suggestions would significantly help reduce tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims in European countries? Or do you agree with Hirsi Ali’s belief that it is impossible for a secular European culture and a Muslim culture to peacefully coexist? Elaborate.

Responsible for: Kromkowski: Articles 5, 6

Chafets: (pps. 82-88); Ash: (pps. 1-12); Nardi: (pps. 402-405);

Denizet-Lewis: (pps. 28-33, 48, 52, 53); Kotlowitz: (pps. 30-37, 52, 57)

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