Friday, March 20, 2009

Multiculturalism - Paper Assignment

Spring 2009: Multiculturalism Paper Assignment

Due in Class: Monday April 27, 2008

Paper Option 1: Approximate Length 5-7 pages (Typed and Double spaced)

For this option, I want you to describe the culture you grew up in. You may talk about the culture of your particular neighborhood, the town you grew up in, or even the culture of Long Island (or Brooklyn, Queens, etc). If you lived in more than one culture, you may choose any particular culture as long as you lived there for more than 2 years. In your essay, be sure to address at least 4 of the following 5 questions: 1) What were the dominant norms, customs, values, attitudes, etc. in the culture? More broadly speaking, what were the people like? 2) Was it a diverse culture? In what specific ways (class, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) was it a diverse culture? What kinds of diversity did it lack? 3) What did you like and dislike about the culture? Try to provide at least a few specific examples. 4) Did the culture change at all while you were living there? In what ways? 5) What do you think the culture you grew up in will look like in 25 years?

In your paper, be sure to focus on the culture that you grew up in: While you may certainly discuss what your family life was like, you should devote the vast majority of your paper to the larger culture (i.e. neighborhood, town, etc.) you grew up in. (See McDonald’s reading “Ghetto Heaven” for an example of the kind of writing I’m looking for.)

Paper Option 2: Approximate Length 4-6 pages (Typed and Double spaced)

The United States is a much different society in 2009 than it was 25 years ago and will undoubtedly change considerably over the next 25 years. What do you think American culture will look like in 2034? In your answer, be sure to address at least three of the following four questions. 1) Will the U.S. become more tolerant of ethnic and, especially, racial differences? In particular, will a person’s skin color still be as significant part of our identity? 2) Will there be greater differences between the different class cultures? Likewise, will there be greater differences between individuals from different classes? 3) Will there be any changes to gay and lesbian culture? In particular, will there still be distinctive gay and lesbian cultures? (You may also choose to address the future of “down-low” cultures.) 4) What is the future of religious communities like the ones in the Ault, Wakin, and Chafets readings? (This section should be approximately 3 - 4 pages)

What specific proposals would you advocate now in order to make American society in 2034 a more harmonious place for everyone? Again, you must cite at least one reading in your answer (even if you disagree with the author). Defend your answer. (Approximately 1 – 2 pages)

If you have a different idea for a paper you would like to write, you must come see me by Wednesday, April 1.

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