Sunday, April 12, 2009

Multiculturalism - Quiz 6 Outline and Essay Questions

Outline: Policy Issues in Multiculturalism

- Approximately, how many illegal immigrants are currently in the United States?

- According to Jencks, who “wins” and who “loses” as a result of the high levels of legal and illegal immigration?

- According to the economist Card, why doesn’t illegal immigration reduce the earnings of native born low wage workers?

- As cited in the Kotlowitz article, what are Portes and Rumbaut’s main arguments about Mexican immigrants to the U.S.?

- What are the recommendations of the Immigration Task Force in the Meissner et. al article (20)?

- What is the key reason for the creation of affirmative action in the 1960s?

- What are the arguments of opponents of affirmative action in college and graduate school?

- What are the arguments of those who favor affirmative action in college and graduate school?

- In addition to beneficiaries of affirmative action, what other prospective students get an advantage in admissions preference to elite colleges?

- What is Obama’s stance on affirmative action?

- How does Texas’ affirmative action plan work?

- What does the term statistical discrimination refer to?

- How do the police Goldberg interviewed defend racial profiling?

- What are the criticisms of racial profiling?

- What is the history of the conflict in Rwanda?

- According to Powers, why has the U.S. (and the UN and European countries) generally failed to act to prevent genocide?

- Since the genocide, how has the Kagame government dealt with the situation in Rwanda?

Quiz 6: Essay Questions

1. According to Jencks (as cited in class) who gains and who loses as a result of current immigration policies in the United States? According to Card (as cited in class), why do high levels of immigration not result in lower wages for native-born workers? Discuss the recommendations of the Immigration Task Force in the Meissner et. al article (and cited in class). What sort of immigration policy would you advocate? Try to be fairly specific in your answer.

2. What are the different types of students that get an advantage with respect to college admissions? Summarize the arguments both for and against affirmation action in post-secondary (i.e. college and graduate schools). In your opinion, do you believe that affirmative action (with respect to universities and graduate programs) should be expanded to include students from lower-class backgrounds? Do you think the Texas plan is a good idea? Lastly, should the legacy system at elite universities be eliminated? Defend your answer.

3. Discuss the history of ethnic strife in Rwanda. Do you think a majority of Americans would have approved if the U.S. (or U.N.) forces) had intervened to prevent the genocide? As described in class, what steps have the Kagame government in Rwanda taken in order to reduce conflict between the Tutsis and the Hutus? Do you think Kagame’s policies are a good idea? Elaborate.

Responsible for: Kromkowski: Readings 20, 23, 47, 49

Swarns: (pps. 1-4) Goldberg: (pps. 141-156); Lewin: “A Marriage of Unequals” (pps. 1-5)

Sunday, March 29, 2009

REsearch Methods - Short Paper Option 4

Cooper: Research Methods

Short Paper Option 4: (Remember, you must do one of the three short paper assignments

during the semester.)

Due: Tuesday, April 21

Approximate Length: 3 typed, doubled-spaced pages

For this paper, I want you do a content analysis where you analyze gender, class, or racially based differences in two different media forms from the same genre. For instance, you could analyze the differences between 1) men and women’s magazines 2) an upper middle class sitcom versus a working-class sitcom or 3) a singer/band that appeals to White individuals versus one that appeals to non-White individuals.

For this assignment, you may decide to analyze 1) the advertisements in the media form, 2) the content of the media form you are analyzing or 3) both the advertisements and the content. Regardless of which media form you decide to study, be sure to use an appropriate sample. For instance, if you are going to analyze the differences between male and female magazines, make sure that you choose magazines that can accurately be called “male magazines” and “female magazines”.

The paper should follow the following guidelines:

1) Briefly describe the two media forms you have chosen (Approx 1/4 – 1/3 page).

2) Discuss and analyze the differences between the two media forms. Be as specific as possible! For instance, depending on the kind of content analysis you choose, you should address questions such as: how many ads were featured, what are the differences in the kind of songs the artists play, what are the differences in the ways working-class characters are portrayed versus those of upper middle-class characters. (2 – 2 ½ pages)

3) Were your findings what you expected? Why or why not? (1/2 page)

Be sure to come see me or e-mail me if you have any questions about the assignment.

Research Methods - Short Paper Option 3

Cooper: Research Methods

Short Paper Option 3: (Remember, you must do one of the three short paper assignments

during the semester.)

Due: Thursday, April 16

Approximate Length: 3 typed, doubled-spaced pages (and put the actual survey you used

For this paper, I want you to carefully edit the survey we prepared in class. Be sure to follow the guidelines (avoid ambiguity, make sure the answers are exhaustive and mutually exclusive, etc.) that we discussed in class (also see Chambliss and Schutt – pages 138 – 145). The final version should contain between 12 and 15 questions. Then put the survey on zoomerang (be sure to open up a free account). Then be sure to e-mail (or contact through facebook, myspace, etc.) enough Farmingdale students so that you can get at least 20 responses to your questionnaire. Be sure to remind people that it is a short survey when you ask them to fill it out.

The paper should follow the following guidelines:

1. Briefly explain what you are doing and what you hope to accomplish by distributing this survey. (Approximately 1/3 - ½ page)

2. Summarize your findings. Be as specific as possible! For instance, what kind of things did respondents want to see in the student center? How many hours, on average, do students spend on campus? How often do they eat lunch on campus? Would students be more likely to join clubs if the club rooms were in the new student center? (Approximately 1 – 2 pages)

3. Given your findings, what recommendations would you make to Dr. Keen and others involved in creating the student center? Again, be as specific as possible when you are arguing about what the student center should look like? (Approximately ½ - 1 page.)

4. Given the answers you got, what changes would you make to the survey to improve the information you collect from respondents? (Approximately 1/3 – ½ pages)

Research Methods - Quiz 4 Outline

Outline: Survey Design/Content and Reception Analysis

- What are the advantages of conducting surveys?

- What are the four methods for administering surveying questionnaires?

- What are the advantages of having questionnaire administered by interviewer?

- What is the biggest drawback to mailed questionnaires?

- What are the advantages of conducting telephone surveys?

- What are the advantages and disadvantages of electronic (e-mail and web) surveys?

- What are the relative advantages of 1) closed questions and 2) open-ended questions?

- What are the key guidelines for writing survey questions?

- What is a double-barreled question?

- What is a “push-poll” survey?

- What is the fundamental purpose of content analysis?

- What are Gerbner’s major findings about violence on television?

- What is the meant by “narrative analysis”?

- According to Snitow, what are the key elements of the typical romance novel?

- What are the common conventions of the typical pornographic movie?

- What are the weaknesses of narrative analysis?

- According to Gerbner, what are the “cultivation” effects due to television violence?

- What are Jenkins’ criticisms of “media effects” research?

- According to Jenkins, what are the reasons for the appeal of violent entertainment to teens?

- What is meant by the term polysemy?

- What were Vidmar and Rokeach’s key findings about All in the Family viewers?

Readings: Chambliss and Schutt: Chapter 6, Chapter 8 (pps. 213-216)

Gerbner (pps. 339-348); Jenkins (pps. 385-395); Vidmar and Rokeach (pps. 36-47)

Introduction to Sociology - Paper Option 2

Paper Option 2: Introduction to Sociology:

Due: Thursday, April 16

Approximate Length: 4 - 5 pages Typed and Double Spaced

As you can see from many of the readings this semester, sociologists are very interested in the attitudes and behaviors of individuals. Consequently, they often spend a good deal of time talking to the subjects of their study. For this paper, you get to be a sociologist and test the arguments made by Putnam (in Ryan’s article “My Way”)

In order to carry out this task, I want you to interview at least 8 people eighteen years or older. At least four of them must be older than 40. Also, I would like it if you got at least two women and at least two men in your sample.

Once they agree to be a part of your study, you need to ask them the following questions.

1) How many civic organizations do you belong to? (Make sure they know this includes groups like

the Lions Clubs, the PTA, the volunteer fire department, as well as bowling leagues.)

2) Are you more or less likely than your parents to belong to civic organizations?

3) Do you attend religious services on a regular basis (i.e. on a weekly basis)?

4) Are you more or less likely to attend religious services than your parents?

5) Please give me your definition of a good citizen.

6) Do you believe that the majority of Americans are good citizens?

7) Do you believe that the majority of people that live in your neighborhood are good citizens?

8) In your opinion, are Americans as good citizens as they were 40 years ago?

9) In general, do you trust Americans to do the “right thing” most of the time?

10) In general, do you trust government and business leaders to do the “right thing” most of the time?

FOR THE ACTUAL PAPER: You Must Do The Following:

1) Briefly describe what Putnam (see the Ryan reading) means by a civil society. (1/3 – ½ page)

2) Briefly describe each of the interviewees (age, gender, marital status). (1/3 – ½ page)

3) Provide a detailed summary of the answers your respondents gave you. (2- 2 1/2 pages)

Specifically, you should say how many of your interviewees belong to a civic organization, how your interviewees defined a good citizen, etc. In addition to summarizing your findings, you should also discuss whether or not there were differences with respect to the race, class, gender, age, ethnicity, and religion of your respondents. For instance, were older people more likely to attend religious services on a regular basis?

4) Conclusion: Do your findings contradict or confirm Putnam’s findings about civic engagement among Americans? Were you surprised by the findings? In what ways? Explain. Given the Ryan reading, the answers of your interviewees, and your own impressions, was America a better society to live in 40-50 years ago? In particular, do you think people were better citizens back then? (1 - 2 pages)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Multiculturalism - Paper Assignment

Spring 2009: Multiculturalism Paper Assignment

Due in Class: Monday April 27, 2008

Paper Option 1: Approximate Length 5-7 pages (Typed and Double spaced)

For this option, I want you to describe the culture you grew up in. You may talk about the culture of your particular neighborhood, the town you grew up in, or even the culture of Long Island (or Brooklyn, Queens, etc). If you lived in more than one culture, you may choose any particular culture as long as you lived there for more than 2 years. In your essay, be sure to address at least 4 of the following 5 questions: 1) What were the dominant norms, customs, values, attitudes, etc. in the culture? More broadly speaking, what were the people like? 2) Was it a diverse culture? In what specific ways (class, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) was it a diverse culture? What kinds of diversity did it lack? 3) What did you like and dislike about the culture? Try to provide at least a few specific examples. 4) Did the culture change at all while you were living there? In what ways? 5) What do you think the culture you grew up in will look like in 25 years?

In your paper, be sure to focus on the culture that you grew up in: While you may certainly discuss what your family life was like, you should devote the vast majority of your paper to the larger culture (i.e. neighborhood, town, etc.) you grew up in. (See McDonald’s reading “Ghetto Heaven” for an example of the kind of writing I’m looking for.)

Paper Option 2: Approximate Length 4-6 pages (Typed and Double spaced)

The United States is a much different society in 2009 than it was 25 years ago and will undoubtedly change considerably over the next 25 years. What do you think American culture will look like in 2034? In your answer, be sure to address at least three of the following four questions. 1) Will the U.S. become more tolerant of ethnic and, especially, racial differences? In particular, will a person’s skin color still be as significant part of our identity? 2) Will there be greater differences between the different class cultures? Likewise, will there be greater differences between individuals from different classes? 3) Will there be any changes to gay and lesbian culture? In particular, will there still be distinctive gay and lesbian cultures? (You may also choose to address the future of “down-low” cultures.) 4) What is the future of religious communities like the ones in the Ault, Wakin, and Chafets readings? (This section should be approximately 3 - 4 pages)

What specific proposals would you advocate now in order to make American society in 2034 a more harmonious place for everyone? Again, you must cite at least one reading in your answer (even if you disagree with the author). Defend your answer. (Approximately 1 – 2 pages)

If you have a different idea for a paper you would like to write, you must come see me by Wednesday, April 1.

Multiculturalism - Religious and Gay Cultures Outline


- What are the three key beliefs of evangelicals?

- Which social issues have most concerned the Religious Right over the last 30 years?

- What are the major successes and setbacks for the Religious Right Movement over the last 10-15 years?

- How does Ault characterize the Shawmut River Baptist Church community?

- What are the key functions served by the Shawmut River Baptist Church (and places like it)?

- What does Wakin cite as the key functions of the African churches he discusses in article 6?

- According to Ash, what are the broader sources of the difficulties with respect to Europe and its Muslim population?

- According to Ash (and Buruma) what are the problems faced by many of the Muslim “Inbetween People”, especially younger individuals, in European societies?

- What are Ash’s suggestions for improving the relations between Muslims and non-Muslims in

European societies?

- When does the Stonewall Rebellion occur? What is its significance?

- What are the key elements of the 1970s Gay Movement?

- How does Nardi characterize the patterns of friendships and romantic relationships within gay male culture?

- How does Rose characterize the patterns of friendships and romantic relationships within lesbian culture?

- How does Denizet-Lewis describe “Down Low” culture?

- According to Denizet-Lewis, what are the reasons for the existence of the “Down Low” culture?

- What do critics regard as the negative consequences of the existence of “Down Low” culture?

Quiz 5: Essay Questions

1. How does Ault describe the culture of the Shawmut River Baptist Church Community? What are the key functions the church serves for its members? Likewise, what functions do the African churches described by Wakin (reading 6) serve for their congregants? Do you think it is possible to create more non-religious communities like the ones described above? Would they be a good thing for American society? Discuss.

2. Discuss the key elements of the 1970s Gay Movement. How does Nardi characterize the patterns of friendship and romantic relationships among gay men? Likewise, how does Rose characterize the patterns of friendship and romantic relationships among lesbians? In your opinion, would the legalization of gay marriage lead to significant changes in gay culture? (Feel free to talk about either or both gay men and lesbian women when discussing gay culture.) Explain.

3. What does Ash regard as the larger sources of the tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims in many European countries? According to Ash (and Buruma), what kind of problems are faced by many Muslim “Inbetween People”, especially younger European Muslims? What does Ash recommend as a means of improving the situation? Do you think his suggestions would significantly help reduce tensions between Muslims and non-Muslims in European countries? Or do you agree with Hirsi Ali’s belief that it is impossible for a secular European culture and a Muslim culture to peacefully coexist? Elaborate.

Responsible for: Kromkowski: Articles 5, 6

Chafets: (pps. 82-88); Ash: (pps. 1-12); Nardi: (pps. 402-405);

Denizet-Lewis: (pps. 28-33, 48, 52, 53); Kotlowitz: (pps. 30-37, 52, 57)