Sunday, February 8, 2009

Intro - Paper Assignment 1

Introduction to Sociology - Paper Option 1

Cooper: Introduction to Sociology:

Due: Tuesday, February 24

Approximate Length: 4 - 5 pages

This assignment requires you to violate a norm and write a paper documenting your experiences. As norms govern our lives in both subtle and not so subtle ways, it is important to consider your own actions as well as (and just as importantly) the reactions of those around you when you violate the norm.

For the paper you must do the following:

1) Describe the norm will you violate and how this norm affects the social behaviors of individuals. Then, explain what you will do to violate the norm. (Approx. ¾ - 1 page)

2) BEFORE you actually violate the norm, hypothesize about the reactions you expect others will have and explain why you think you will get those reactions. (Approx. ½ page)

3) Describe the incident, including the physical and social settings (i.e. where did it take place, how many and what types of people were there) for the violation of the norm. Be sure to discuss the verbal and non-verbal reactions you received. (Approx. 1 ½ pages)

4) How did you feel when you violated the norm? (Try to go into some detail) Did you expect to feel that way? Did people react the way you expected? Do you think the reaction might have been different in another type of social setting? Did you experience any difficulties? (Approx. 1 1/2 – 1 3/4 pages)


1) Select a norm common in our society. Make sure to choose a FOLKWAY, rather than a more.

Also, remember that it can involve a random act of kindness (for instance, buying a couple of gallons of gas for a complete stranger.)

2) DO NOT BREAK ANY LAWS OR CAUSE ANYONE ELSE TO BREAK A LAW. Do not do anything that you even suspect might be morally or legally questionable or that could bring sanctions against you, your instructor, or the university. Also, make sure not to cause harm to yourself or anyone else and don’t do anything that might negatively affect your job performance (or cost you your job).

3) Make sure to write up parts 1 and 2 BEFORE you violate the norm. This ensures that you will have a firm hypothesis about observer reactions in advance. (Your paper grade will not be affected at all if you do not get the reactions you hypothesized.)

4) Make sure to break the norm in a SOCIAL SETTING. For instance, it doesn’t count if you wear your underwear around your neck for your dog or cat.

Remember: If you handwrite the paper, you must use every other line and print neatly.

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