Sunday, February 1, 2009

Multiculturalism: Quiz 1 - Outline and Essay Questions

Outline for Race and Ethnicity – Part I

- What does it mean to call race a “social construction”?

- What are they key defining characteristics of ethnic groups?

- What is meant by the term ethnocentrism?

- What is meant by the terms 1) Assimilation and 2) Pluralism?

- According to Marger, what are the key factors that increase the likelihood of a racial or ethnic group assimilating into the larger society?

- What did Freud mean by the term “the narcissism of minor differences”?

- What was the “Termination” policy proposal in the 1950s?

- What are the reasons for the significant increase in the number of Native Americans since 1960?

- What are the general trends with respect to the third generation of Italian Americans?

According to Marger, what is the relationship between class and assimilation for Italian-Americans (and most ethnic groups)?

- What does Gans mean by the term “symbolic ethnicity”?

- What are the key differences and similarities between Jewish and Italian immigrants between 1880 and 1920?

- When do you see the resurgence of “ethnic identity” among White ethnics?

- What are the key factors that lead to a revived sense of Jewish identity in the 1960s?

- What has happened to the Jewish intermarriage rate over the last 40 years?

- According to historians, why are Blacks the only group to become slaves after the mid 1600s?

- When does racism first develop into a powerful ideology in the United States? Why does it become the dominant ideology?

- What is meant by the one-drop rule? According to Davis, which is the only group that it applies to in

the United States? What other countries also adhere to the one-drop rule?


1. Discuss the reasons why Blacks became the only group to become slaves in the U.S.? Explain why racism developed into such a commonly accepted view in the U.S. What does it mean to call race a “social construction”. In your answer, be sure to use at least one example from the videos we watched in class. Lastly, do you think that the one-drop rule will still persist 50 years from now? Elaborate.

2. What are the differences and similarities with respect to Italian and Jewish immigration between 1880 and 1920. Explain Gans’ concept of “symbolic ethnicity”. What are the reasons for the revival of a Jewish identity in the 1960s? In your opinion, what is the future of ethnicity among Italians, Jews and other White ethnics, especially on Long Island? In particular, will being Italian or Jewish still be a significant part of people’s identity in 25-30 years? Explain.

3. Summarize the key characteristics of ethnic groups. Briefly describe what is meant by the terms assimilation and pluralism. According to Marger, what are the main factors which increase the probability of assimilation for ethnic groups? In your opinion, are there still a lot of people in the United States that suffer from what Freud called “the narcissism of minor differences”? Defend your answer.

Responsible for: Kromkowski: Readings 4, 7, 8, 21, 44

Garroutte (pps. 49-57); Gambino (pps. 208-221); Davis (pps. 37-44); Orenstein (pps. 9-10), Syllabus

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