Friday, February 20, 2009

Multiculturalism - Quiz 2 Outlines and Essay Questions

Outline: Race and Ethnicity – Part 2

- What are the key differences between the current generation of immigration and immigrants from 100 years ago?

- How do the 1) average income and educational levels, 2) political views and 3) rates of religious participation of Muslim-Americans compare to non-Muslim Americans?

- What is currently the largest Asian-American group in the United States today?

- How do Asian educational and income levels compare with those of non Asian-Americans?

- What are the cultural explanations for the educational and economic successes of Asian-Americans?

- What are the class-based explanations for the educational and economic successes of


- What are the central elements of the “model minority myth” about Asian-Americans”?

- What are Wu’s criticisms of the “model minority myth”?

- What percent of the American population is Latino?

- Which Latino group in the United States has the highest education and income levels?

- What are the cultural explanations for the lower overall level of economic and educational attainment

of Mexicans and Puerto Ricans?

- What are the class-based explanations for the lower overall level of economic and educational

attainment of Mexicans and Puerto Ricans?

- What are typically cited as the reasons for the problems of Latinos in the American educational


- How do 1) African-American, 2) Latin-American and 3) Asian American household median income compare to White (non-Latino) household median income in 2005?

- What was the median wealth of Blacks in 2002? Of Latinos? Of Whites?

- According to liberals, what are the main explanations for Black-White wealth inequalities?

- What are the problems faced by Blacks on the housing market since World War II?

- What is a subprime loan?

- How do the problems faced by Blacks on the housing market contribute to Black-White wealth inequalities?


1. What are the 1) cultural and 2) class-based explanations for educational and economic achievements of Asian-Americans? Explain what is meant by the “Asian-American” model minority myth” and also summarize Wu’s criticisms of the myth. In general, how do you think that majority of Asian-Americans feel about the model minority myth? Elaborate.

2. Briefly discuss the extent of Black-White economic (wealth and income) inequalities. What are the liberal explanations for Black-White wealth inequalities? What are the specific problems encountered by Blacks on the housing market that contribute to Black-White wealth inequalities? Do you agree with Conley’s assertion that reparations to African-Americans would significantly reduce racial inequalities in education and other Black-White disparities within one generation? Defend your answer.

3. Compare the cultural explanations and class-based explanations for the lower levels of income and educational attainment among Latinos. Summarize the reasons for the problems of Latinos in the educational system. In your opinion, what should be done in order to help Latino students in the American educational system? Explain.

Responsible for: Kromkowski: Readings 3, 31, 33, 34

Wu: (pps. 404-412); Shapiro: (pps. 127-133); Fussell (24-35)

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