Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Multiculturalism - Quiz 3 Outlines and Essay Questions

Outline for Class: Part 1

- What is the basic conservative belief about class?

- What are Marx’s basic arguments about class?

- What are the 3 basic determinants of a person's class position today?

- What happens to class-based economic inequalities from:

a) 1947-1973

b) 1973-2007

- Which income group has seen its share of national income increase the most over the last 30-35 years?

- According to liberals, what are the implications of the increase in class based economic inequalities?

- According to Domhoff, what percent of the population constitutes the upper class?

- According to Domhoff, what are the three distinguishing characteristics of the upper class?

- What are the main institutions that help produce a cohesive upper class?

- What are the key functions of these upper class institutions?

- What were the main criticisms of the upper middle-class in the 1920s?

- What was the general consensus about class in the 1950s?

- Why is there “ambivalence about affluence” amongst the upper middle-class in the 1950s?

- What are the upper middle-class values explicitly rejected by many 1960s upper middle-class youth?

- According to Ehrenreich, what are the distinguishing characteristics of yuppies?

- According to Ehrenreich, what are the key elements of the “Yuppie Strategy” in the 1980s?

- How does Brooks characterize “bobos”?

- In Ehrenreich’s view (writing in 1987), what are the key problems with the upper middle-class?

Quiz 3: Essay Questions

1. According to Domhoff, what are the defining characteristics of the upper class? Describe the central institutions that contribute to the social cohesiveness of the upper class. In particular, what are the functions of places like the Bohemian Grove and Ivy Club? Given the readings, class discussions, as well as the video Born Rich, do you think that you would feel comfortable living in the American upper class culture? Why or why not?

2. Explain the reasons for upper middle class’ “ambivalence about affluence” in the 1950s. Compare Ehrenreich’s characterization of 1980s yuppies with Brooks’ description of upper middle-class “bobos”. Be sure to talk about what Ehrenreich describes as the “yuppie strategy” for success. In your opinion, who best describes upper middle-class culture in the year 2008: Brooks or Ehrenreich? Lastly, do you believe that the upper middle class defines itself primarily on the basis of what they consume (including services and goods)? Are they significantly different from other classes in this respect? Feel free to include your own experiences in your answer.

3. Briefly describe the three key determinants of a person’s class position. Compare the conservative beliefs about class with those of Marx. According to liberals, what are the consequences due to the increase in class based economic inequalities over the last 30 years? Do you agree with the arguments of liberals? In particular, do you think that there is a lot more class-based segregation in high schools than there was 30 years ago? Again, feel free to incorporate your own experiences into your answer.

Responsible for: Domhoff (pps. 156-164); Yazigi (pps. 1-4); Brooks (pages 13-18, 97-102)

Mukhopadhyay (pps. 1-3); Lewin’s “Up from the Holler” (pps. 1-5)

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