Sunday, February 1, 2009

Methods - Quiz 1 Outline

- Introduction to Research Methods

- What are the different types of observational studies?

- What are the different types of quantitative data analysis?

- What is a central difference between the natural and social sciences when doing research?

- According to Chambliss and Schutt, what are the 4 flaws in our everyday scientific reasoning?

- Ethics

- What are ethics?

- What happens in the Tuskegee study? How did the authorities involved in the Tuskegee study defend their actions?

- How does Hornblum characterize the 1950s and 1960s with respect to research?

- What was controversial about Milgram’s study? How did Milgram defend his research?

- What are the five key rules for conducting research today?

- What is the purpose of Institutional Review Boards?

- What are the problems involved in giving informed consent to the subjects of a study?

- Research Design

- What is the difference between deductive and inductive research?

- What is an independent variable? What is a dependent variable?

- What are the three different types of research design? What are the differences between them?

- What is meant by the term ecological fallacy?

Responsible for:

Chambliss and Schutt: Chapter 1: Chapter 2 (pages 21-46), Chapter 5 (pps. 128-130) Hornblum: (pps 1437 – 1441); Syllabus

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